
LoRa® Everything 


Everyone, from Internet of Things (IoT) developers, global corporations to network providers have been contributing to a robust LoRaWAN® ecosystem, enabling the digital transformation of multiple industries. Now, there are more than 151 network operators connecting over 191 million end nodes.

数据和分析的这种爆炸式增长带来了深远的影响,催生出无数解决现实世界挑战的用例。Semtech 的长距离、低功耗技术为智能家居和建筑、农业、供应链和公用事业实现了物联网应用。物联网和 LoRa 让物品“发声”——让世界变得更适合生活、工作和娱乐。

Download the LoRa Everything infographic to learn more.



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LoRa Everything Infographic